Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Daze

Ever wanted to pack up some friends and head on a roadtrip?

Well, I just got back from doing just that! Ray and Francis flew out from MB, and the 5 of us (Rob, me, Christine, Ray, & Francis) drove down to the Okanagan for a couple days, then through the mountains to Calgary to meet up with my parents for a couple days, and then back to PG via Jasper.

Colorful margarita mixes for the girls, plain ol beers for the boys, plus empty campgrounds and large fires, made for hilarious nights.

Rob and I are rather broke now, as we paid for everything for everyone (all they had to pay for was their flights) but it was definetly worth it, and will be repeated next year if all goes well.

On a happy note, we'll be trying to get to MB at the end of August, as Ray (Rob's bff since gr.4) is getting married! I most likely won't be able to go, since I won't be able to get time off work, but we'll be trying to fly at least Rob out for it.

Oh, and my first shift at AimHi is tomorrow. Gleep.

Monday, June 01, 2009

Time Killing

So, about a month ago, I received the good news that I got a job at a company called AimHi. As a care worker for people with disabilities, be they mental, physical, developmental, whatever.

The only problem is, they say if you want get this job, you have to prove it by jumping through all these hoops. I have to attend training seminars (not paid) and I have to get a bunch of things, like first aid certificate, food safe, etc.

I calculated that between time not working, and paying for all these qualifications, by the time I actually start working, I'll have spent/lost over $1500.00 ....

What would someone do if they couldn't afford to accept the job?!?!