Monday, March 14, 2005

That last post- "Gansta"ized

I'm not an unpost'n cracka honest I'm not! I've posted `bout twice since that ancient pizzy in tha middle of Fizzle so long ago, but mah comp screwed up. Both times tizzy I've had tha time n inclination ta post..sucky, hizzle? Anyways, nuttin' big ta report (besides, even if there was, I dizzle hizzy tha tizzy lol) jizzust figured I should throw some words at ya.

My Bad

I'm not an unposting loser, honest I'm not! I've posted about twice since that ancient post in the middle of Feb, so long ago, but my comp screwed up. Both times that I've had the time and inclination to post..sucky, hien? Anyways, nothing big to report (besides, even if there was, I dont have the time lol) just figured I should throw some words at ya.